+91 9811234111
Canal Barging
A European Cruise experience with a difference

The experience of canal barging- a specific European cruise that has gained the loyal following of sophisticated travellers, but is still unknown to many. This kind of vacation is something special - a way to see the beautiful European countryside from the water without the drawbacks of a cruise. Barging is a type of cruise that takes place on small boats that wind their way through Europe’s manmade canals, some of which were built in the 16th century. The days are filled with activities that enable you to delve into rural areas, artisans culture and laid-back lifestyle.

TIC Recommends
Renaissance- a flagship hotel barge which begins with cruising in Burgundy
Panache- cruise in the not so well known area of Alsace-Lorraine
La Bella Vita- is a fantastic option for large groups of upto 20 passengers to cruise in Italy


Canal Barging

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